The Algordanza Team in Switzerland, no other ashes to diamonds company has this type of family

ALGORDANZA in the News

People have been talking about ALGORDANZA Cremation Diamonds since their inception in 2004. You are looking for the best Ashes to Diamonds company, there is no better way than to read our history and follow the steps we have made to become the most trusted cremation diamond producer. From National Geographic to YouTube and Reuters UK, watch and read how we turn hair and ashes to diamonds.

Inside Algordanza™ – An inside look at our Swiss lab where Memorial Diamond transformations take place as seen on Discovery Science Television

Global TV’s Jill Krop interviews René de Diego, President of Algordanza™ Swiss Made by Remembrance Diamonds in Vancouver.

‘Diamond burial’ new way to say goodbye. Eva Wu had her 17-year-old son’s remains turned into a diamond… In CNN.

Unique types of burial from turning ashes into Vinyl Records to ALGORDANZA making Diamonds from Human Ashes, read the article from BBC News.

National Geographic shows you have Algordanza turns ashes into diamonds

Read more about how experts at the ALGORDANZA laboratory turn ashes into diamonds with their Swiss precision High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) machines in National Geographic

International Business Times explains the transformation of ashes into diamonds

Diamonds can be deemed a lot more personal since it can even come from the remains of loved ones in International Business Times

Business Insider helps clarify what a cremation diamond is

A growing number of bereaved consumers are doing something more adventurous: forging the ashes into diamonds in Business Insider

They will compress and super-heat your loved one’s cremated ashes and turn them into a man-made diamond that can be worn and cherished. - In BoredPanda

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by Remembrance Diamonds Corporation

Suite 300, 422 Richards Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 2Z4

Telephone: (604) 878-1800